The Ceramic Jar Cohiba Pirámides Extra embodies an extraordinarily luxurious and exclusive edition that captures the essence of Cohiba, Cuba’s most prestigious cigar brand. Presented in an elegant ceramic humidor, this release not only reflects Cohiba’s esteemed status within the cigar world but also serves as a homage to the mastery and artistry behind the creation of top-tier cigars. Each ceramic jar, designed not only to preserve the cigars in optimal condition but also as a work of art in itself, encapsulates Cohiba’s commitment to excellence.
The Cohiba Pirámides Extra, nestled within this ceramic humidor, results from a rigorous selection of tobacco leaves grown in the most fertile regions of Vuelta Abajo in Pinar del Río. This meticulous process ensures each cigar offers a peerless tasting experience, marked by a flavor complexity and smoothness only Cohiba can provide. With their pyramid shape, these cigars are renowned for their ability to deliver a rich evolution in the flavor profile, featuring notes of cocoa, coffee, vanilla, and a distinctive hint of Cuban royal grass, along with the brand’s characteristic creamy smoothness.